Born in San Francisco, hint, inc. was founded in 2005 by entrepreneur Kara Goldin. It started as a healthy lifestyle brand best known for its flagship product, hint water- a delicious, unsweetened flavored water. Kara started the company with a simple idea: to make water that tastes great. To do away with all the sugar and diet sweeteners. And to give her family and friends something better that they would love.
After leaving her job at AOL, Kara found herself overweight, low energy and suffering from adult acne. She knew it was time to make some life changes and put her health first. Despite making changes to her workout and diet regimens, she was still having trouble reaching her health goals. After some reflection, Kara finally pinpointed the problem: she was addicted to diet soda. In fact, she was drinking 8-10 cans a day. After researching ingredients in diet soda and realizing she didn’t know what was going into her body, she quit it cold turkey and turned to water.
Plain water proved to be a quick fix, but Kara hated how bland it was and didn’t think it would be a long-term solution. In an effort to keep up her new habit, she began cutting up fruit and throwing it in pitchers of water. This little experiment in her kitchen helped her to continue drinking water and was a hit with her family and friends. And so, hint was born. What started as a quick solution to her own health problem soon turned into a product. And a company.
Today, hint is going beyond water to give people better, healthier experiences that they can truly enjoy and share. In 2017, Kara introduced hint sunscreen, an SPF 30 sunscreen mist that’s enhanced with the same essences used in hint water. Once again, Kara created the product to solve a personal problem after having several run-ins with precancerous cells on her nose. Kara and the hint team are dedicated to helping people live healthier lives, easily. With water and sunscreen, there’s no telling what’s next.