When Brandy gave birth to her first son in 2013, she depended heavily on her e-commerce for her jewelry brand sales. Her husband Andy saw the correlation between her Instagram posts and online sell-through. When she didn’t post, she didn’t get a sale. As a new mom and sole content creator for @brandypham, she had to manage her time wisely. Her process was shooting/editing photos during nap/feeding times, e-mail images to herself, edit and arrange a ‘fake’ feed in Photoshop, type captions on Evernote, and set alerts to post each photo.
Andy thought, “how can something so simple be so complicated?” and Planoly was born. Brandy designed all the wireframes and the ‘flow’ of each screen. All features that Planoly has are actual features that are used by Brandy herself.
Planoly was thoughtfully designed from a designer’s and editor’s point of view. Beautifully crafted to be simple, clean and easy to use. It’s the FIRST VISUAL PLANNER for INSTAGRAM. Clear and to the point web and mobile app — Planoly is the most effective visual social media planner on the market (oh, and you can schedule too)!
Suggested listening while viewing this post:
“Daydream by Design” by Gaby Moreno
Watch our introductory video for Hello Sister.